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Workshop – 21 sept – 24 oct 2009

NATO and the new Strategic Concept. Romania’s priorities

From the 21st of September to the 24th October 2009 the National Defense College, the Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Center together with NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized the Project „NATO and the new strategic concept. Romania’s priorities”.
The main goal of this activity sponsored by NATO PDD was debating the content of the future NATO strategic concept and bringing a substantial contribution to the national effort oriented at strengthening  Romania’s position regarding the features of the new strategic concept.
This Project encompassed several Workshops and a final Conference which took place in the above mentioned timeline as follows:
– the first workshop was held on the 21st on September at Casa Titulescu and brought the issue of the strategic concept to the attention of the NGO community
– the second workshop on the 8th of October at the National Defense College focused on the topic of „Strengthening NATO as a security provider in the 21st  century. Article 5 for the 21st  century. The need to address the new threats. A special focus on terrorism, missile defense, energy security, cyber defense”
– the third workshop on the topic of “Getting the right security in NATO’s wider neighbourhood: does this still matter? The future of NATO’s partnership network. A special focus on the Balkans and Wider Black Sea-Caspian region” was held at the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 15th of October
– the fourth workshop took place at the Ministry of Defense on the 19th of October and focused on “Protecting the Alliance’s security at strategic distance or closer to home: right balance and false dilemmas”.



Workshop – october 15, 2009

NATO and the new Strategic Concept. Romania’s priorities

Getting security right in NATO’s wider neighbourhood: does this still matter? The future of NATO’s partnership network. A special focus on the Balkans and Wider Black Sea-Caspian region.

On October the15th, 2009, the workshop „Getting right security in NATO’s wider neighborhood: does this still matter? The future of NATO’s partnership network. A special focus on the Balkans and Wider Black Sea-Caspian region” took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, co-organized with the Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning. The workshop was part of the project “NATO and the New Strategic Concept. Romania’s Priorities”, realized with the support of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.

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Workshop – 21 September 2009

Romania’s priorities for NATO’s Strategic Concept
–    NATO as a security provider in the 21-st century: facing the new threats, missile defense, energy security and cyber security;
–    Managing challenges and opportunities in the extended vicinity of the Alliance. The role of the partnership network as an investment in the trans-Atlantic and international security; the Balkans and the Black Sea-Caspian Sea regions;
–    Balancing the colective-territorial defense, operations in the vicinity and the need for actions at a strategic distance, rethinking the territorial defense after the era of operations out of area.

Director of Workshop: Iulian Chifu  /  Euro-Atlantic Council Romania facilities  /  Casa Titulescu, 40 participants

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Workshop – 8 October 2009

NATO and the New Strategic Concept.Romania’s Priorities

On the 8th of October the National Defense College hosted the workshop focused on “Straightening NATO’s capabilities an en energy supplier in the XXI st century. The activity was part of the project “NATO and the new strategic concept. Romania’s responsibilities”, organized by the National Defence College, Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Center, NATO PDD Public Division and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the 7th of October there was a press release that announced the event and encouraged journalists to attend the workshop. It appeared in various newspapers and news portals, such as AMOSNEWS

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Workshop – 15 October 2009

Getting right security in NATO’s wider neighbourhood: does this still matter? The future of NATO’s partnership network. A special focus on the Balkans and Wider Black Sea-Caspian region.”

9,30 -10.00: Registration of the participants
10.00-11.30:    Session I “New perspectives on NATO’s wider neighbourhood”
(media allowed)
moderator Iulian Chifu, director of CPCEW
10.00-10.30:  Opening Statement by Catalin Predoiu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Message of the NATO Deputy Secretary General, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero (transmited through VTC)
10.30-11.30:  Forward address of Mr. Iulian Fota, Presidential Advisor for Security;
11.00-11.30: Debate
–    The role of the Eastern Partnership countries and of the Black Sea for the Euro-Atlantic security; NATO’s role in the region;
–    The hypothesis of a “win-win” approach of NATO-Russia relation;
–    NATO and the security in the vicinity of the Alliance: from the false dilemma of regional instability to the transborder threat assesment and countering.
12.00 -13.30: Session II: “The future of NATO’s partnership network”
(closed-door debate, media not allowded)
·    moderator Bogdan Aurescu, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs MFA
·    Ambassador Kim Traavik, Permanent Representantive of Norway to NATO
·    Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, Permanent Representantive of Romania to NATO.
Topics for debate:
–    Importance of regional stability;
–    Defining the Partenerships (from EAPC to the Mediteranean Dialogue and Global Partenerships);
–    NATO’s enlargement policy
13.30 -13.45: Session III: Conclusions
·    Presentation Iulian Chifu, director of CPCEW

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Bucharest, 22 februarie, 2011
Lansarea cartii „Perceptia Rusiei in Romania, Republica Moldova si Ucraina/The perception of Russia in Romania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine”

Centrul de Prevenire a Conflictelor si Early Warning are placerea sa va invite la lansarea cartii “Perceptia Rusiei in Romania, Republica Moldova si Ucraina/The perception of Russia in Romania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine”, autori Iulian Chifu, Oazu Nantoi si Oleksandr Sushko. Evenimentul va avea loc in cadrul unor audieri pe acest subiect in cadrul sedintei comune a Comisiei pentru politica externa si Comisiei pentru aparare, ordine publica si siguranta nationala a Senatului Romaniei, in cadrul careia va avea loc o dezbatere cu aceasta tema. Evenimentul va avea loc marti, 22 februarie 2011, ora 16.00, la Sala Avram Iancu, Senatul Romaniei.

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Lansarea cartii „Energy Security in the Wider Black Sea Region

Bucharest, decembrie 16, 2010
Centrul de Prevenire a Conflictelor si Early Warning are placerea sa va invite la lansarea oficiala a cartii „Energy Security in the Wider Black Sea Region”, semnata de Iulian Chifu, Adriana Sauliuc si Bogdan Nedea. Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 16 decembrie 2010, ora 12.00 in Sala Constantin Stere, Senatul Romaniei (intrarea dinspre Bulevardul 13 Septembrie). La lansare vor participa Presedintele Senatului Romaniei, Mircea Geoana, Vicepresedintele Senatului Romaniei, Teodor Melescanu si profesorul universitar dr. Cornel Codita.

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Regional Conference – Energy Security Strategies in the Wider Black Sea Region

Conference – Bucharest, octombrie 7, 2010
NATO Summit in Bucharest, but also in Strasburg and Kiel launch and debated ways in which NATO can be involved in Energy security, in protecting the pipelines and transport lines on land and under the sea, a priority which is also under debate in the New Strategic Concept. Romania is also very interested in the way those energy security issues are address in NATO framework but also in the strategies of the countries in the region. The new Security Strategy of Romania, under drafting at this hour, will also have an important part related to the Energy Security in Romania, but also linked with developments in the Wider Black Sea Region. GENERAL ASSESSMENT: Romania held one of the longest borders of NATO with the neighboring states, the biggest part of them being aspirants to membership. Since NATO’s main role in the area is projecting regional and global security, this fact is of first importance for Romanian’s perception of its security and the security of its neighboring countries.Since energy security is in the forefront of the interest in Romania, which is designing nowadays a new Security Strategy with an important part dedicated to energy security and since the energy security of Romania and NATO’s countries is related to the one of the countries in the Wider Black Sea Area, there is the source of interest of the Romanian public for that matter and its solutions at NATO and partner countries level. The new strategic concept of of most interest for Romania, as an Alliance member at its border, but also a contributor to its operations. The public debate should get together the civil society and NGO’s from the security sector, the policy makers from the MFA and MoD, the representative and experts from the Wider Black Sea Region countries in order to discuss the vulnerabilities that could be spread to neighbor countries, the capacities to react – specially common capacities in that area – and the cooperation needed in order to face those challenges linked to Energy security. The academia and thinkers able to provide new ideas and improve the provisions from the future Strategic Concept and provide recommendations for cooperation in this area are also involved in the debate. Participants, panelists and speakers – On the Romanian Side, invitations would be addressed considering: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, National College of Defence, the Parliament, representatives NGOs, and of the Marshall Foundation. From NATO HQ – International Staff, 2 persons (with possible message from the ASG or SG) will be invited. We will have here speakers and panelists presenting the reports on the Energy Security approach, perception, documents and achievements from the 9 countries from the Wider Black Sea Area – Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Russia. We are inviting also 6 international experts acting as moderators and commentators for each panel. A pull from the written media based in Romania, and from the main TV Channels will be invited to attend and cover the workshop, as well as to interview NATO and Romanian invitees.

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Lansarea cartii „Razboiul ruso-georgian”

Bucharest, octombrie 6, 2010
Pe 6 octombrie 2010, in Holul de Onoare al Universitatii Nationale de Aparare „Carol I” se lanseaza cartea „Razboiul ruso-georgian” – Iulian Chifu, Monica Oproiu, Narciz Balasoiu. La eveniment va participa si Excelenta Ghirghi Baramidze, vicepremierul Georgiei.



Bucharest, september 29, 2010
Lansarea sondajului “Perceptia Rusiei in Romania
Centrul de Prevenire a Conflictelor si Early Warning si ar fi onorati sa va aiba alaturi la lansarea sondajului “Perceptia Rusiei in Romania” realizat de CSOP. Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 30 Septembrie 2010 de la ora 11.00 la Casa Titulescu, Sos. Kiseleff, nr. 47, sector 1, Bucuresti.

Press_release  |   Prezentarea rezultatelor – Perceptia Federatiei Ruse in Romania
