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Crisis Management in Transitional Societies: The Romanian Experience

Crisis Management in Transitional Societies: The Romanian Experience

Authors: Julian Chifu, Britta Ramberg

In 2002, CRISMART and the Crisis Research Center at Leiden University in Holland were assigned to assess the existing crisis management capacities in three South Eastern European countries (Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania). The results of this joint project were presented in January 2003 at a UNDP regional conference in Bratislava called “Building Transnational Crisis Management Capacity: An Exploration of Viable Ways to Improve Civil Security in South Eastern Europe.” The reports from this conference inspired CRISMART to continue bilateral cooperation, strengthen its contacts with leading academics and practitioners in Romania, and put together a volume on Romanian crisis management experiences. This was made possible by generous funding from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish Emergency Management Agency, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Swedish National Defence College. Several of the contributors to this volume are experts in crisis management issues and a few have even directly participated as policy/ decision makers in the Romanian government. Engaging practitioners with valuable insights on the management of recent crises is an important element of the CM Europe Program. Collaboration between the Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Center in Romania and CRISMART were encouraged and stimulated by the late Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Lindh.

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Round Table Discussion

The Canadian Embassy  and The Centre For Early Warning and Conflict Prevention organized a round table discussion on „Civil – Military Crisis Management” at the Hilton Hotel  Regina Maria Hall on Monday, March 22, from 15:30 hrs to 18:00 hrs.
Professor David Morin – Deputy Director of the Research Network for Peace Keeping Operations Montreal, Canada
Senator Teodor Melescanu – President National Defense,  Public Order and National  Safety Commission Senate of Romania
Mr. Adrian-Cristian Bratu – Head of Political Affairs Unit – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Mr. Iulian Chifu – Executive Director  Centre For Early Warning and Conflict Prevention

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Book presentation

March 5th, 2010, presentation of the book Iulian Chifu, Oleksandr Sushko, Oazu Nantoi – “The Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis” took place from 11:00 to 13:00 at the press-centre of the National News Agency of Ukraine UKRINFORM (Kyiv, Bogdana Khmelnytskogo street, 8/16). Borys Tarasyuk made a presentation as a guest speaker.


nr.3 / vol. 4 – Religion and conflict. Radicalism and violence in the North Caucasus

nr.3 / vol. 4 – Religion and conflict.  Radicalism and violence in the North Caucasus

Lately, the North Caucasus has become a major attraction point due to the large number of events and to the worrisome trend in the region, with larger impact on the Russian Federation, on the one hand, and on the Wider Black Sea Region, on the other, as well as on the overall fight against terrorism. The themes surrounding this subject are various, so researchers need to pay a great deal of attention to several areas of study as well as access various bibliographical references in order to provide an in depth evaluations.

We underwent such a process and found it useful to publish both a compendium of bibliographical resources as well as the results of the research in order to reveal new directions and original perspectives for opening new angles for future research that will encompass the interpretations of further developments. Of course, the study financed through a larger on going German Marshall Fund Black Sea Trust project could not do without an extended general structure.

The final goal of the study is to supply a base of evolving information, ideas and theories to support the evaluation of the situation in the North Caucasus and to act as starting point for any projections regarding the area as well as larger themes defining the complexity of the region. The other goal is to foresee, based on these qualitative theories and trends, where this road is heading and in which way the current situation will evolve, to what extent it will remain a local issue or it will affect the entire region; it’s also interesting to see whether the essential elements present here are to be found in other areas of the world, whether they represent grounds for much larger phenomena.

citeste articolul complet în Occasional Papers nr.3 vol 4


nr.2 / vol. 4 – Religie şi conflict. Violenţa motivată religios

nr.2 / vol. 4 – Religie şi conflict. Violenţa motivată religios

The modernization and globalization came with challenges to the identity needs of the persons, both individual and group identities, and there is a search for moral values and references, which should come from the big religions and from the combination and balance of religion and cultural background, national traditions and humanitarian behavior. The tendency of accessing a comfortable and desired group identity is to be assumed by the secular form of religion and tolerance of free spirit, competitive ideas and acceptance for scientific input in the debate. Multiculturalism has to respond to these problems as well. Some are side effects of multiculturalism, some are a wrong interpretation of the multicultural model.

Individual identity and group identity are both needed by the individual. There is a huge versatility in shifting and choosing the group identity, the one which is the most appealing for the individual. Sociological and psychological studies on the suicide bombers that failed, in jails all over the world, revealed some patterns: high individual identity problems, need for a group identity, for prestige, for meaningful life, and that what leaded to conversion, radicalization and moving to the actions.

We are witnessing several trends in the post-modern world: Immigration and alienation in big cities, inadaptability at the second and third generation immigrants and some new forms of radicalization in Germany, France, the US. The second would be the phenomenon of convertion to either radical forms of religions, Jihadist ones – or so called “new religions” – Apocalyptic, Hedonistic or Satanist ones. The problem still stands in the hands of the big religions of the world. They became more and more commercial institutions – selling faith and moral comfort, and less – and less moral references models. That leads our citizens to move to find other alternatives, and falling in the hands of radical Islam, Jihadist sects and crocs in other types of cults and newly born religions.

citeste articolul complet în Occasional Papers nr.2 vol 4


nr.1 / vol. 4 – Religie şi conflict. Radicalizare şi violenţă în Caucazul de Nord

nr.1 / vol. 4 – Religie şi conflict. Radicalizare şi violenţă în Caucazul de Nord

Caucazul de Nord a devenit un punct major de atracţie, în ultima vreme, prin prisma numărului mare de evenimente şi a trendului îngrijorător care este sesizabil în regiunea în cauză, cu impact mai larg asupra Federaţiei Ruse, pe de o parte, dar şi asupra Regiunii Extinse a Mării Negre şi chiar pentru lupta generală împotriva terorismului. Suma de teme conexe subiectului este extrem de variată, iar un cercetător atent şi prospectiv, pentru a avea adâncime în evaluările sale în timp, trebuie să parcurgă multe domenii de studiu şi o bibliografie bogată pentru a putea acoperi subiectul.

Am făcut o asemenea întreprindere şi am considerat utilă publicarea atât a unui compendiu al resurselor bibliografice ale temei, cât şi a unor rezultate ale acestei întreprinderi, a tezei/tezelor centrale ale studiului, pentru a releva direcţii noi şi moduri inedite de abordări de perspectivă, ca teme de cercetare viitoare, dar şi a deschide apetitul cercetătorilor pentru a se apleca asupra tuturor acestor unghiuri pentru a putea surprinde direcţia şi nuanţele de desfăşurare ale acestor evenimente. Evident că şi o structură generală a studiului extins nu putea lipsi din acest sumar al unei cercetări elaborate, finanţată   printr-un proiect mai larg al Black Sea Trust al German Marshall Found, în curs de derulare.

Scopul final al studiului ar trebui să fie furnizarea unei baze de informaţii, idei şi teorii în evoluţie pe care se sprijină evaluarea privind situaţia din Caucazul de Nord şi care pot fi temeiurile oricărei proiecţii prospective astăzi în legătură cu zona, dar şi cu teme mai largi care se conjugă pentru a da complexitatea regiunii. Apoi ţinta finală este aceea de a răspunde, pe baza acestor teorii şi trenduri cu valoare calitativă, care e drumul pe care merge acest curs şi spre ce realitate se poate îndrepta situaţia curentă, în ce măsură ea va rămâne la nivelul unei probleme locale, cât de mult va afecta regiunea şi dacă nu cumva elemente esenţiale ale subiectului şi temei sunt de regăsit şi în alte zone ale globului, dacă nu cumva constituie temeiuri pentru fenomene mult mai largi.

Fără a avea pretenţia de a acoperi pe de-a-ntregul problematica, am considerat util să aducem la zi experienţa noastră şi să deschidem subiectul cercetării oricui vrea să urmeze acest siaj, ale cărei trenduri crează suficiente motive pentru a presupune că ascund fenomene cu valoarea universală şi globală. Am utilizat pe scară largă teorii diverse şi idei multiple, realizând o supra-esenţă asupra căreia revendicăm paternitatea şi reuşind, spunem noi, să dăm un sens şi un răspuns la întrebarea cum va evolua problematica în viitorul pe termen mediu, 5-10 ani.

vezi articolul complet din Occasional papers nr. 1/vol.4
