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nr.12 / vol. 4 – It’s not about religion, it’s about money

nr.12 / vol. 4 – It’s not about religion, it’s about money
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When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. – Voltaire

 Bogdan Nedea

Throughout history men have gone to war for a variety of reasons, from patriotism to honor and even love, but the main drivers behind man’s insatiable warmongering have been – and remain to this day – power and money. Nevertheless, the quest for power and wealth remains a privilege of the ruling class, as prizes gained for their ability to convince others to fight their battles for them. But to drive the masses to battle you have to place in front of them a goal far greater than political ambition or charisma. This reason can be religion, the promise of a glorious life after death, rewards beyond the means of any leader and the eternal gratitude of generations to come. In modern warfare these elements have faded and have been replaced by a, sometimes, misplaced sense of duty, thus transforming the army into a goal in itself. Nevertheless religious motivation can be found in many ongoing conflicts in the world today revealing the fact that it is still a powerful incentive.

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